The Legal 500 värskes 2022. a numbris on Advokaadibüroo KPMG Law tööd taas kõrgelt tunnustatud

The Legal 500 on mainekas rahvusvaheline õiguskataloog, mis on ligi 30 aastat viinud läbi sõltumatuid õigusturu uuringuid enam kui 100 riigis, et selgitada välja parimad advokaadibürood ja advokaadid. Uuringute tulemused kujunevad advokaadibüroode esitatud teabe, klientide ja konkurentide tagasiside ning laialdase õiguskogemusega hindajate kogutud täiendava teabe alusel.

Värskes 2022. aasta Euroopa väljaandes on The Legal 500 Adokaadibürood KPMG Law taas kõrgelt hinnanud ja nimetanud parimate Eesti advokaadibüroode hulgas kõigis meie fookusvaldkondades, s.o. pangandus- ja finantsõiguses, ühinemistes ja omandamistes, ühingu-ja tööõiguses, intellektuaalomandi, IT- ja andmekaitseõiguses ning maksuõiguses.

Nimeliselt on esile tõstetud Adokaadibürood KPMG Law juhtivpartner ja õigusteenuste juht Karin Oras, partner ning panganduse- ja finantsõiguse valdkonna juht Hetti Lump, ühingu- ja tööõigusele spetsialiseeruv vandeadvokaat Kaia Kuusler ning ühinemistele ja omandamistele ning ühinguõigusele spetsialiseeruv advokaat Sandra Metsamärt.

Eriliselt soovime tänada oma kliente usaldusliku ja meeldiva koostöö ning antud tagasiside eest:

„The KPMG Banking & Finance law team has flexibility, extensive and long experience and the quality you can rely on in all situations.“

„What makes the team unique is that they have recruited people with previous regulatory and supervisory experience, which gives them unique angle to approach and if needed communicate with the regulator. KPMG Law has experience working on number of innovative fintech cases leveraging their regulatory experience to suggest working solutions.“

„Hetti Lump has been providing exceptional service in managing and driving compliance related projects and taking proactive approach to push projects over the finish line.“

“I believe KPMG Law team demonstrates very business-oriented and efficient manner of service delivery. The ability to back up the service by equally qualified tax, accounting or financial advisory brings the firm forward among the competitors to offer the clients solution based services.”

“Karin KOras as the lead of M&A and Corporate team stands out for highly efficient, innovative and business oriented approach to client needs. She is a highly experienced professional, yet a lawyer that truly speaks business language and is devoted to solve the client’s problem at hand.”

„The employment team at KPMG Law in Estonia has hands on approach in solving clients’ issues, and always bears in mind the clients perspective when assessing the legal position. The team is very experienced.“

„Kaia Kuusler has always been very responsive, experienced with attention to detail, so important for matters related to employment. One can trust to get the most appropriate legal advice from her in a timely manner.“

“Customer service was top quality. The team was friendly and dedicated, professional and customer-driven. It was good to see that the team focused on details, studied the market practice all over Europe and provided thorough advice.”

“Very professional individuals and good understanding of my expectations.”

“KPMG is on a great level as always.”

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