Our approach

When providing advice, we use the full potential of KPMG as a network specialising in business consultation. We consult with sworn auditors and accounting specialists, tax and financial advisors in order to ensure that questions are answered in a comprehensive manner, fully taking into consideration the client’s business interests. 

Our consultants have specialised knowledge in specific business sectors, such as the financial or public sector, real estate, or cross-border projects, enabling us to assemble a project team with the necessary expertise to meet the unique needs of each client.

KPMG experts we have worked with are very professional, take a lot of interest in our business operations and we feel a great support in achieving a common goal.

The Legal 500

Our experience and services

There are many ways to structure your business – our team can assist you in choosing the most suitable business structure for your company, whether you are in the process of setting up a new business or undergoing restructuring. We can provide guidance on designing governance structures, ensuring compliance with business law, and identifying areas for process improvement.

For complex and longer-term restructuring, we provide comprehensive and, where necessary, cross-border project management to ensure minimal disruption to your business operations during implementation stage, reducing costs and time spent.

Our lawyers have extensive experience in resolving issues related to company law, we have provided to our clients the following services:

  • matters and documents concerning the establishment of a company and related formalities;
  • mergers, divisions, transfers of companies, non-monetary contributions and other arrangements concerning business structure;
  • projects to simplify international and national group structures;
  • matters related to financing, including negotiations and drafting of documents;
  • drafting and negotiating shareholders’ agreements;
  • taking over company from minority shareholders;
  • advising on the governance structure of a company, contracts with management board members, issues related to the liability of the management board members;
  • drafting option plans.
Where necessary, our legal services can be combined with KPMG’s best experts in taxation, business and financial consulting, data protection and many other areas.


Kaia Kuusler

Attorney-at-Law, Member of the Baltic working group


+372 667 6805

Sandra Metsamärt

Attorney, Member of the Finnish-Estonian working group


+372 667 6805

extended team

Joel Zernask

Head of Tax, Partner

KPMG Baltics

Siim Kannistu

Head of Accounting Advisory Services

KPMG Baltics

Maike Leppik

Head of Transfer Pricing Services, Head of Bookkeeping

KPMG Baltics

We are committed to high-level strategic legal assistance in the Baltics, Scandinavia and globally.

Advokaadibüroo KPMG Law OÜ

+372 6676 805
Ahtri 4, 10151 Tallinn, Estonia
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