Our approach

The impact of ESG is clearer today than ever before. This trend can increasingly be seen in the context of mergers and acquisitions and investment projects, where acquirers and investors are increasingly focused on sustainability criteria. To meet this demand, KPMG has established a multidisciplinary ESG team in Estonia which is in line with with the global focus of KPMG. Our ultimate objective is to support our communities by promoting our clients' sustainability and ESG efforts, leading to more resilient businesses. Additionally, we assist clients in navigating the legal landscape to ensure compliance with current and future ESG standards and requirements.

Our experience and services

Our expertise in critical ESG issues, such as climate change, decarbonisation, ethical supply chains, circular economy, governance practices, ESG reporting, and measurement, allows us to assist our clients in preparing a customized ESG plan. By simplifying the strategy and supporting implementation, we help clients manage and report on their ESG journey.

Implementing the collective knowledge of the KPMG network, we can offer a broad range of ESG services, including:

  • ESG audits that assess impacts and risks;
  • advising on the development and implementation of corporate ESG principles;
  • preparing sustainability reports and new business models;
  • integrating sustainability risks into the overall risk management framework;
  • advising on sustainable investment options such as green loans and bonds, setting up sustainable funds;
  • providing guidance and training on the ESG regulatory framework.


Rauno Klemm

Attorney-at-Law, Head of Public Procurement, Administrative Law and Disputes


+372 5596 4555

Katri Remmelgas



+372 667 6805

extended team

Sten Aan

Head of Energy Sector

KPMG Baltics

Marko Rebane

ESG and Sustainability Manager 

KPMG Baltics

Marilin Saluveer

ESG trendide suunanäitaja, keskkonna ekspert

KPMG Baltics

Siim Kannistu

Head of Accounting Advisory Services

KPMG Baltics

Andres Soosalu

Raamatupidamisnõustaja, jätkusuutlikkuse aruandlus, vandeaudiitor

KPMG Baltics

We are committed to high-level strategic legal assistance in the Baltics, Scandinavia and globally.

Advokaadibüroo KPMG Law OÜ

+372 6676 805
Ahtri 4, 10151 Tallinn, Estonia
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