60000 Solved cases 2800 Experts 3500 Clients 76 Countries
Our clients sectors

Financial sector

Timber and foresty


Industry and production

Trade and logistics

Real estate and construction

kpmg law Services


Põhjalikud kogemused keerukate ja piiriüleste ärilepingute ettevalmistamisel ja läbirääkimisel väga mitmesugustes ärivaldkondades.


Meil on pikaajalised kogemused vaid­luste lahendamisel tsiviil- ja haldus­küsimustes nii kohtus kui ka kohtu­väliselt.

Üldine õigusnõustamine

Nõustame kohalikke ja rahvusvahelisi ettevõtteid alates väikese ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtetest kuni suurkorporatsioonideni.


Company law

Employment law and immigration

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A)

Raising capital and financing


Dispute resolution

Administrative disputes

Civil litigation

Pre-trial dispute resolution, mediation and negotiations

General legal advice

Banking, finance and insurance

Competition law 

Contract law

Data protection

Energy and infrastructure law

Environmental law


Intellectual property & IT law

Public procurements

Real estate and construction law

Tax law



Yleinen oikeudellinen neuvonta

Joined forces with KPMG Baltics

KPMG is a global network of professional firms providing audit, tax, legal and business advisory service with member firms in 154 countries employing a total of more than 236,000 professionals. KPMG was the first of the large international business consulting networks to open in Estonia in 1992. Today, there is a dedicated team of over 250 auditors and advisors in KPMG Estonia. We have a strong Nordic network comprising more than 5,000 qualified specialists who collaborate closely to assist a wide range of companies - from large Nordic listed enterprises to smaller businesses.

Join our experts

Join our dynamic and professional team, where we collaboratively deliver innovative solutions that transcend conventional legal services. Focusing on providing integrated legal services, we value the contribution of experts from various disciplines, offering opportunities for growth and professional development.

We are committed to high-level strategic legal assistance in the Baltics, Scandinavia and globally.

Advokaadibüroo KPMG Law OÜ

+372 6676 805
Ahtri 4, 10151 Tallinn, Estonia
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