
Ministry of Social Affairs





Practice area

We advised the Ministry of Social Affairs on the implementation of an innovative medical project

We assessed the impact of the implementation of a personalised medicine project on the privacy of service recipients and advised on data protection regulations.

The Institute of Health Development together with its partners is implementing the project "Implementation of Personal Medicine in Estonia", which creates readiness for the wider use of data in the work of doctors and nurses. Personalised medicine is an approach that helps to find an individualised prevention or treatment plan for each person by analysing the health and environmental effects associated with the person and their health and health data.

The Ministry of Social Affairs is the leader in the development of the legal framework for personal medicine, and we got the opportunity to contribute to the project through permanent advice on the private sector and data protection regulations.

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Advokaadibüroo KPMG Law OÜ

+372 6676 805
Ahtri 4, 10151 Tallinna, Viro
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