Our clients in matters related to restructuring primarily include groups of companies, small and medium-sized enterprises, companies with a cross-border reach or planning cross-border expansion.
In addition to attorneys, our team also includes KPMG’s financial, tax and accounting advisors with a specific field of specialisation who can answer the most complex and nuanced questions. This diverse skill set allows us to thoroughly analyse every aspect of a restructuring plan and avoid any surprises down the line.
For cross-border restructuring projects, we collaborate with KPMG advisors from all relevant countries and act as a centralised project manager and contact point for our clients. This approach ensures that we offer our clients comprehensive, cross-functional advice.
KPMG has a good teamwork and process flows. Also positive team spirit is great to acknowledge.
The Legal 500
Our team helps clients analyse their existing group structures and develop strategic plans for restructuring through mergers, divisions, or other structural changes. For large, complex, and cross-border projects, we assemble an international team with extensive experience in legal, taxation, and financial matters. This synergy provides a comprehensive overview of all business aspects of the transaction plan.
We offer comprehensive project management services, including cross-border coordination where necessary, to ensure that business activities continue uninterrupted during the restructuring period, while saving time and costs by avoiding multiple advisors.
Pääosakas, asianajaja, lakiasianjohtaja
Head of Tax, Partner
KPMG Baltics
Head of Transaction Services
KPMG Baltics
Head of M&A Tax Service line
KPMG Baltics
Senior Manager in Deal Advisory
KPMG Baltics
Head of Accounting Advisory Services
KPMG Baltics
Head of Transfer Pricing Services, Head of Bookkeeping
KPMG Baltics
Ota yhteyttä lakiasiantuntijoidemme verkostoon Baltiassa, Pohjoismaissa ja maailmanlaajuisesti.